Less training. better results. fewer injuries.
Get Faster, fastertridot's ai has prescribed 110M+ training sessions.
Our proprietary database of athlete training and racing results we've collected over nearly 20 years delivers the most personalized training experience in the sport.
Any other training which claims to be AI is mimetic, not data-driven, meaning it "mimics" a static plan(s) and/or a coach's philosophy.
Experience true AI-Powered training for less training, better results, and fewer injuries.
Elements of AI-powered training
performance ability

The morning session might be perfect and drive the desired training adaptations, but if your coach or plan does not account for your training environment (indoor/outdoors, weather and elevation) the same session done that afternoon might not even be achievable. And it could cause significantly more training stress and injury risk than desired.

Training Stress
trust your training.

Your Injury Predisposition primarily influences training intensity and volume, specifically related to high-intensity sessions and rates of increasing volume and long session durations. It can also influence the type warm-up drills and strength training routines that contain high-impact, ballistic movements.

Aerobic Potential influences how quickly and to what degree you are able to increase your aerobic fitness. This can impact improvement-rate expectations used when optimizing training focus and periodization of training blocks in both short and long training phases.

Your Recovery Rate primarily influences training intensity and frequency, specifically with regard to higher intensity sessions. It can be used proactively when prescribing training to help ensure planned sessions don’t include more training stress than you have time to recover from prior to your next high-intensity session. Recovery Rate can also impact how much time is required to taper for or recover from a race.

Training Intensity Response influences your training emphasis and improvement expectations, specifically related to differences between training above your functional (aerobic) threshold versus at or below it. Proper emphasis and expectations help to ensure that training time and intensities are optimized to achieve improvements that are the most beneficial to overall performance.
For Greater Performance